So, The Miniaturist (warning - spoilers abound). It looked amazing and all. It really, really did. Those interiors were straight out of a Dutch still life. The framing and perspectives were painterly. Someone spent a lot of money on the costumes; the silks looked as though they cost more than the entire budget for many programmes. The casting was pretty fabulous even if Anya Taylor-Joy is more familiar playing a witch/alien/robot of an evil cast of mind and one rather expected her at some point to transmigrate into a rabid monster doll, crawl unbidden from the depths of the dolls house (on which more below) in the manner of Ringu and consume half the population of Amsterdam (in 1686) before flooding the dykes and sinking the city beneath the waves. That might actually have made more sense. I may still have been dazed from LFC just buying the most expensive defender in the history of the world. I may not have drunk enough to...
Occasional musings about time spent in museums, galleries, theatres, cinemas and other dark settings ..