Sunday 19 October 2014

My London Film Festival in Tweets

So another London Film Festival is over. Even if this one didn't seem a vintage edition, for me at least, the experience was as enjoyable as ever and there were still some spectacularly good films on offer. Here's what I made of the ones I saw through the medium of immediate tweets with the usual scoring out of 10 ....

Score 9

The Keeping Room 

Far From Men

Score 8

The Falling 

The Duke of Burgundy

 Score 7



If You Don't, I Will


The New Girlfriend

Didn't Tweet about this one but if I had it would have been along the following lines:

'Playful, slightly perplexing, a relatively minor Ozon but one doubly fine performance'

Score 6




Didn't Tweet about this one but if I had maybe something like this:

'Earnest, beautifully framed but oh so dull. Why was I meant to care? Perhaps if Vesuvius had gone off at the start ...'

Score 3

Black Coal, Thin Ice
