First, for those of a certain age, not that Kingdom , the completely bonkers Lars Von Trier directed series set in a hospital in Copenhagen in which dishwashers discuss strange happenings from their location in the basement. No, this is the completely bonkers Korean costume drama set in the 16th century with scheming factions, invasion threats, goodies, baddies and .. zombies. Whilst being pursued by ravenous hordes of the undead might feel a touch less than comfort viewing, in so many other respects this has everything one might need for a bit of light allegory of a pandemic evening. Without giving too much away, it's fairly clear from the outset that we are dealing with something of a leap from one species to another. This one doesn't involve bats and might look on the surface relatively benign with a little plant being the apparent culprit. Probably, its the combination of a harmless looking little plant and a corpse which makes it more troub...
Occasional musings about time spent in museums, galleries, theatres, cinemas and other dark settings ..