I haven't, as they say, read the book but I have read the article . The book - Forgetfulness: Making the Modern Culture of Amnesia by Francis O’Gorman - is concerned with what is described as the 'systematic devaluation' of the past since the 19th century. As I understand it the basic points are that: - societies are increasingly obsessed by the future and as such want to relegate where they came from in order to create the new order that will be so much better - big organising ideas like communism found it necessary to sweep away everything that went before - liberal societies are increasingly critical of their pasts and wish to denigrate them for failing to live up to modern ideals. To say that this left me mildly puzzled is something of an understatement. Listening to our current political discourse one could be forgiven for thinking that the past is in fact the major obsession of many of our politicians constituted as a weird amalgam of Our ...
Occasional musings about time spent in museums, galleries, theatres, cinemas and other dark settings ..