There are those rare days when summoning the energy for the latest special delivery film on MUBI - typically a 2 hour plus piece set in a sanatorium where people speak the language backwards, make statues and Marienbad topiary look athletic, have a fixation with the deep symbolism of a dripping tap and stare silently and endlessly at the middle distance - is just a bit too much. For those occasions there is genre television: crime dramas, comedy dramas and the like. Rather than the resonant, perfectly formed madeleine of the best TV, honed and balanced, these programmes are like a particularly decadent slice of cake. They lure you with the promise of their confection but you rapidly find that the cream was whipped UHT, the ingredients came out of a packet and the fruit is tasteless. This appreciation has been tested during recent experience of watching the British crime dramas Fearless and In The Dark and the US dramadies Casual...
Occasional musings about time spent in museums, galleries, theatres, cinemas and other dark settings ..