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Showing posts from November, 2016

Liberals (Always) Have The Best Tunes

In the near future 2016 is just going to be the year about which sane people say 'we don't talk about that' and move on to happier times. Let's hope that's true because this is a dismal time to be alive if you believe in, you know, stuff like liberal democracy, the rule of law, the separation of powers, one could even say western civilisation founded on Enlightenment values.  Indeed believing in such things seems now to be the test of belonging to the famous 'liberal elite'.  One of the saddest effects of the vile, pernicious and mendacious campaigns that have been run by thoroughly unscrupulous politicians in the UK and the US has been to make identity based on race, origin or belief the test of whether one truly belongs. This breathtakingly illiberal tidal wave is now making how you look, how you speak and how you behave a matter of political concern rather than a matter of personal choice. It will affect how people are treated and indeed whether ...